lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009


A country that I would love to visit is England. I was there ones, but just for 3 or 4 days for summer holidays. The main reason why I like England is for the music. This is the country of the most important bands of rock history. Bands that I love like: Deep Purple, Ten Years After, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, The Kinks, Arctic Monkeys, etc. It has been the home of the best musicians of history of rock. Two of my favorites guitar players are from England, Ritchie Blackmore and Alvin Lee.

England has the best gear for music players, the great Vox amplifiers for guitar for example. Or the unequalable sound of the Gibson guitars. Besides it is very cheap to buy music gear in this country. So if I come back to England some day, I would love to buy a guitar or a good amplifier.

Another great thing of this country is the good soccer they have. Some of the greatest soccer teams play in England. If it were possible I would love to go to a soccer match. And see some of the best soccer players of the world.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Life quality in Bhutan

Hi! Today i want to comment two graphs of an study survey in Bhutan

This graph shows the life quality in a scale of five terms: very poor, poor, neither poor nor good, good, and very good. As you can see in the graph, most of the people (exactly 51,2 percent) choose “neither poor nor good”. Besides we can see that a lot of people choose “good” (33.5). So most of the people feels that their life quality is average to good. Other interesting thing is that just a few people choose “poor” or “very poor”.

As you can see in the graph there are a lot of “sources of stress”. From religious to financial sources. “Financial insecurity” appears as the main source of stress with a 36 percent of the responses . I think this just prove the horrors of the capitalist system. How the money becomes the most important thing in life. It shows how money can manipulate our emotions. Another source that have a high percentage of responses is “Labour pressure”, Thing that is very related with money

So …

Is money the most important thing in our life in this capitalist world?

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Psychology and music

The Spanish-French singer Manu Chao recorded his latest album in collaboration with psychiatric patients of Buenos Aires Argentina. In the psychiatric hospital they a have a radio called “La Colifata”, so here Manu have all the gear he need to record his album. The album called “Viva la Colifata!” features 20 songs of things that are important for the patients. He mix some old material with some patients’ poems. The album is available for free download at, but people are asked to make a donation to help the hospital's to treating mental illness.

Like i said in the past week, I love music. And i study psychology so i choose this article bebause it mix my carrer with one of the important things i like to do, that is playing music. I think is a great way to approach to the patients problems. Is a good way to help the hospital, because at the website of the record you are asked to make a donation. Is great to see how people, even no professional in the area, can comprehend the patients just for the motivaton of help them. I would like to do something similar than Manu Chao when i graduate as a psychology.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Topics for my new blog!

Hi people! This is my new blog “The Kassette”. Here i would like to write about the things i like to do on my free time.
I play the guitar on a band called “Chili Bomb” so music is a very important thing in my life. I’m not an expert so i learn new kind of things every day with my bandmates.
Besides I would like to talk about my favorite hobby that is juggling. I start juggling past november so i find new tricks almost every day. I juggle with friends. It’s more interesting than juggle alone, because you learn faster and you can do another kind of tricks with two or three people. I would like to talk about new tricks, describe them and put some interesting videos of some juggling masters, like Vova Galchenko, Tim Kelly or Peter Irish.
Another thing i like to do on my free time is going to see my favorite soccer team, it’s called “Curicó Unido”. I live in Curicó fifteen years until i move to Santiago, so i like “Curicó Unido” a lot i see reflected on it all of my love to the city.

Here is a video of Curicó Unido. When we win the second division championship: