jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Green? I think it’s gray

We live in a gray city. Santiago is full of concrete, a lot of noise and pollution. So I think people isn’t very green here.

The main way for me to learn about be friendly with the enviroment is talking with my friends. I have a vegan friend, his name is Dani Opazo. He teach me a lot of things about the enviroment. He doesn’t eat meat and animal products. But also he is always worried about be friendly with the enviroment. He came to university by bike and he’s always worried about no producing unecessary garbage.

Here in Santiago i’m not green enough. I don’t use a bike or my legs to go to university. And i don’t incorported recycling into my habits.

But when I lived in Curicó, from 1993 to 2008 I was a little more green. In Curicó you can walk to everywhere to school, to downtown, to your friends houses, etc. Because Curicó is a Little city is more easy to be green. There are easy access green points where you can take some of your garbage and recycle it. Definitely Curicó is a green city.

I think is hard to be green in Santiago. I think Santiago is sentenced to be a gray city. It’s hard because there are long distances, too much people and in this city people have no time to be green! Work+School+University+LongDistances=No time=GrayCity!

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you is so much easy be green in a small city like Curicó, but here in Santiago we don´t have a lot of green points that is one of the main things to start a change in relation with this topic!

  2. Dear Andrew:

    I think you have a lovely blog, and I hope you keep writing in such a brilliant way.
